Lead Engineer / ETL
Skicka ansökan 27 dagar kvar
Ingenjör Lead Engineer
27 dagar kvar


Company Description

AFRY är ett ledande europeiskt företag med global räckvidd inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi accelererar omställningen mot ett hållbart samhälle.

Vi är 16 000 hängivna experter inom infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering, som skapar hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer.

Job Description

We are looking for a Lead Engineer / ETL  to join our exciting Interior and exterior projects at our AFRY office at Lindholmen. 

As a Lead Engineer / ETL you will be responsible for the product development and deliveries across different programs including concept phase, industrial phase, series builds as well as following the product in running production. The teams within the group operate with an area-oriented approach but collaborate cross-functionally to optimize performance and outcomes. 

You will be responsible to create technical plans for your area, make sure that the plan is followed with involvement of relevant functions of roles such as procurement, supplier quality, manufacturing, attribute leaders, aftermarket etc. With entrepreneurial skills you will evaluate technical and financial aspects towards sustainability, energy efficiency and weight optimization to develop the most competitive vehicle on the market. Your role involves interacting with suppliers to ensure that the products are following specifications and requirements set from internal and external stakeholders.

In this position, effective communication, leadership and collaborative skills are some of your key attributes. To be structured and able to prioritize is essential to get flow in your daily work. The dynamic nature of the job and the constantly evolving industry resonate with your preferences, fostering innovative approaches. We are looking for a team player open for challenges, solution oriented and happily helping others to achieve success. 


  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Science or equivalent competence through other education and/or professional experience. 

  • Experience in Catia V5 and KOLA

  • Previous experience as ETL is meritorious

  • Very good knowledge in design of injection molded parts

  • Proficient in English and Swedish, both written and spoken. 

  • Preferably driver´s license B 

  • As an individual, you are curious, ambitious, and possess a genuine interest in technology and problem-solving. You enjoy varied tasks and challenges in different environments, as our assignments evolve over time. You are continuously striving to develop, both professionally and personally.  

Additional Information

At AFRY, we engineer change in everything we do. Change happens when brave ideas come together. When we collaborate, innovate technology, and embrace challenging points of view. That’s how we're making future. We are actively looking for qualified candidates to join our inclusive and diverse teams across the globe. Join us in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable future.

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Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2025-03-27
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