Thermal research engineer
Skicka ansökan 29 dagar kvar
Ingenjör Researcher Forskningsingenjör
29 dagar kvar


We are currently looking for a Thermal research engineer to our Engineering lab at our Stockholm office, to take on the challenge to research, design and implemt our future thermal solutions. This will cover both to drive internal research projects and also to handle external research cooperation projects with european top Universities.

The postion will have be a path-finding reponsibilty; to indentfy, innovate and to implement the key technologies that will solve the future thermal challenges within our ICT product portfolio.

Essential Skills required (as many as possible from list below):

Have solid experience of accademic research applicable for thermal design of cooling of electronics

Have a excellent knowedge in the heat and mass transfer; theories behind natural convection, forced convection and the 2phase phenomona

Be a recognised part of an extensive network with reserchers; in accademia and/or within the thermal industry research comunitity

Have solid experience of research activites (not product design) within the area of thermal design.

Have general understanding of industrial research in cooling of electronics

A general understanding of the capabilities of CFD programs like : Ice Pack, Fluent and especially Comol and Flotherm

We require a PhD in heat and mass transfer, physics, mechanical engineering or equivalent background and expect that the candidate has some accademic research experience after the PhD.

We also expect an understanding of comparison of various thermal solutions in both the cost and the functionality perspective.

The candidate can of course communicate fluently in English, both verbally and in writing

Additional skills required:

We expect that the candidate can work independently as well as in a team

The candidate should have a high focus on delivering high quality work

The candidate should have a strong feeling and interest for development and to share experiences with others in the team and have a proven capability to pursue creative solutions.

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Publicerad 2025-03-21
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Antal platser 1
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