Radio Board Architect
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Ericsson AB Join our Team About this opportunity: Join the dynamic and innovative environment at Ericsson, where we embody collaboration, innovation, and empowerment. Ericsson is looking for a talented Radio Board Architect to join our proficient team. Are you ready to take on new challenges and lead the technology behind board design in cutting-edge radio platform products? Join us and make an impact! What you will do: •    Involve in early phase activities, analyze requirements to provide board design proposals that are aligned and cover the whole product family •    Propose digital & mixed signal design (memory selection, ASIC port mapping, frequency generation, PCB stack up, FW/SW impact etc.) solution and drive floor plan •    Analyze Link budget for high-speed links (JESD, C1/C2, ethernet etc.) •    Drive continuous improvements from radio HW to ASIC IP, bring radio product adaption feedback to ASIC design project •    Lead board design and realization on radio platform product with scalability and flexibility, particularly introduction of new ASICs firstly to radio platform products  •    Drive and review design decisions on board architecture and implementation. Ensure board design implementation following requirements, highlight if design and requirements don’t converge •    Collaborate with radio RF tech area to make sure the board control topology meets UL, DL platform requirements •    Keep track of status for relevant pre-dev and drive K-Gap solution with Chief Engineer •    Follow up production issues and return rate analysis  •    Support E2E integration activities and task forces •    Discuss with Sourcing/CE/Suppliers for component roadmap and selection •    Teach, coach, and mentor colleagues on the different aspects of the domain •    Stay updated on key industry trends, academic research, and technology development in the domain and disseminate acquired knowledge across the organization •    Build and maintain a professional and international network of peer technology authorities within and outside Ericsson The skills you bring: •    Graduated with a minimum of M.SC. or equivalent in electrical engineering or physics •    15+ years’ experience in radio hardware design, implementation, and verification •    10+ years’ technical leading experience in radio hardware design projects •    Extensive expertise across different domains, including digital, mixed signal, analog. •    Abundant experience with layout and schematic tool (e.g. Cadence) and are still using them today •    Excellent knowledge of high-speed serial interfaces (JESD, C1/C2, ethernet etc.) design and verification •    Good knowledge of board-level power and grounding layout strategies and implementation for multilayer mixed digital/analog /RF designs •    Experience with SI/PI and simulation tools (e.g Mentor, Ansys, SiSoft) •    Good understanding of both baseband and radio systems •    Excellent communication and leadership skills •    Ability to excel in a fast-paced diverse team environment

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Publicerad 2025-03-20
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