System Manager (763862)
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Chef System Manager
3 dagar kvar


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About this opportunity:

We are thrilled to offer the position of Product Development Leader at Ericsson. This role is essential to maintaining our competitive edge as it relates to technology management, fostering an innovative culture, and ensuring the right balance of quality, time, scope, and cost for our products. A Product Development Leader at Ericsson takes on a variety of leadership tasks within product development, teaching, coaching, challenging, and aiding in individual, team, and organizational development. The successful candidate will be pivotal in the execution of development strategies and plans. We value an environment that embodies lean and agile methodologies, promoting continuous learning and innovation. Learn more about the role, read more

What you will do:

- Drive Ericsson's technical direction to maintain technology leadership.

- Advocate for lean and agile principles, mentoring teams and individuals.

- Execute and oversee development strategies, keeping quality, time, scope, and cost in mind for products.

- Take charge as a leader within product development, including roles such as line managers, program managers, and project managers.

- Foster an innovative and learning culture within the organization.

- Engage in learning and development opportunities to maintain expertise in your role.

The skills you bring:

- Business Understanding.

- Negotiation.

- CCD CAPO Integration.

- Communication.

- CEE10 Integration DGS.

- CEE10 Upgrade DGS.

- Program Management.

- SDI3 Upgrade.

- SDI3 Solution Design.


- Coaching and Mentoring.

- Change Management.

- Project Management.

Why join Ericsson?

At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build solutions never seen before to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?

Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team. Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. learn more.

Primary country and city: Sweden (SE) || Göteborg

Req ID: 763862

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Publicerad 2025-03-20
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