Product Owner of GitHub Enterprise Cloud
Skicka ansökan 29 dagar kvar
Chef Produktägare Software Engineer
29 dagar kvar


If you're passionate about driving the success of the bank’s engineering community through continuously pushing the engineering experience and efficiency to the next level, we strongly advise you to continue reading. Through innovation and standardization, you and your team are responsible for the necessary steps of engineering, all the way from onboarding to building and shipping secure software.

In Swedbank you have the opportunity to:
  • Be part of the unit that in many ways drives the software engineering culture of the bank, group wide
  • Impact the daily lives of a large software engineering community consisting of 1500+ engineers that are pushing an enormous number of builds per day
  • Setting the course for Swedbank’s engineering experience through your targets for the implementation and integration of the GitHub Enterprise Cloud platform, it’s AI-powered features/products and associated offerings
  • Work together with stakeholders to gather requirements and prioritize features for your roadmap
  • Collaborate with collages and teams all around the bank to drive changes and improvements in the direction that enables engineers to focus on delivering business value
What is needed in this role:
  • Proven experience as Product Owner or similar role in software development
  • Hands-on experience of GitHub, its portfolio of features
  • You have a solid technical background from working as a software engineer in the past with demonstrated experience
  • Having a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, or another relevant field
  • You have solid experience working in an agile environment and know how to work your way through a federated IT organization
  • Collaboration is your middle name and breaking silos is what you do daily
  • You know how to conduct market research and competitive analysis to inform product decisions
  • You have excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
What we offer when you join us:
  • An open, simple and caring culture
  • Opportunity to create the best experience for our customers
  • An international, sustainable and inclusive work environment
  • Development opportunities and advancement in your career
  • Flexible working options
  • Access to Group performance program, company pension plan, optional health insurance, and other benefits
"Join our team and...

be a part of an inspiring atmosphere with talented colleagues who like to share their knowledge and who are always ready to help. As your manager, I am including, caring, and engaged. I like structure but can also be flexible and pragmatic. My objective is to create a positive and engaging work environment where the team can thrive, have fun, and perform at its best. I believe that empowerment allows people to grow and do amazing things. If you find this inspiring - this is the role for you!" Jon Siljehag, your future leader

We look forward to receiving your application by 20.04.2025. We work with continuous selection, which means that the position may be filled before the application deadline.

Location: Stockholm, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga

Recruiting manager: Jon Siljehag

If you are employed in Estonia, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 3 500 - 5 300 gross i.e. before taxes. Read more here.

If you are to be employed in Latvia, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 3 300 - 4 900 gross i.e. before taxes. Read more here.

If you are to be employed in Lithuania, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 4 100 - 6 100 gross i.e. before taxes. Read more here.

We may begin the selection during the application period, so we welcome your application as soon as possible.

We have made our choice regarding recruitment media and therefore kindly decline contact with ad sellers or sellers of other recruitment services.

Swedbank does not discriminate anybody based on gender, age, sexual orientation or sexual identity, ethnicity, religion or disability – everybody is welcome.



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Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2025-03-20
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