IAM Engineer | SEB, Solna
Skicka ansökan 22 dagar kvar
22 dagar kvar


At this position within Hosting & Integration, you will be a part of a highly skilled team working with modern technology, security and developing of the IAM platforms, which are integrated in SEB DevOps toolchains. As a Junior IAM engineer you will together with the team evolve our IAM platform by investigating, developing, and implementing different technical solutions. This area is highly prioritized which creates many collaborations with various parts of the SEB organization. You will also be involved in SEB cloud journey.

Your tasks will include managing IAM solutions, deploying and managing the IAM Infrastructure, troubleshooting and resolving issues, ensuring compliance with security policies and best practices. In this role you will also collaborate with different teams throughout the bank to help solve requests and incidents.

To thrive in this role, we believe you have:

  • Eager to enhance your skillset within the IAM and devops area.
  • Good knowledge about identity protocols (OpenID Connect, OAuth2).
  • Basic knowledge about Identity providers and Single Sign-On.
  • Basic knowldege about with DevSecOps tools (e.g. managing platforms with Kubernetes, Git, Github actions).
  • Basic scripting knowldege.
  • Attention to Detail.
  • Critical Thinking.

What we offer:

  • Agile and modern ways of working
  • A flat hierarchy and openness to share ideas, opinions and points of views
  • Extensive training and learning opportunities

Do you want to be part of SEB?

Welcome to our inclusive culture, where our shared values inspire and uplift our team. We celebrate diversity and strive to ensure every employee feels seen, heard, and valued.

Since we select candidates continuously, feel free to send in your application today, but no later than 31th of Mars 2025. If you have questions about the position, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner Anton Hänni via email at [email protected]

Learn more about working at SEB here: www.sebgroup.com/techcareers

It is our fundamental belief that inclusion and diversity is crucial for our future success. We strive to have an inclusive, value-driven culture where employees feel valued, respected and involved irrespective of who they are, what they believe or where they come from.

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Publicerad 2025-03-18
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Antal platser 2
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