Director & Chief Technical Engineer Soft Goods Development
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Chef Ingenjör Teknisk ingenjör Teknisk rådgivare
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Are you a strategic and technically skilled leader with a keen eye for detail? Do you have a passion for driving innovation in soft goods development and want to take responsibility for both strategy and operations? If so, this could be the role for you! We are currently looking for a Director & Chef Technical Engineer Soft Goods Development to take overall responsibility for our soft goods development. In this role, you will have the opportunity to shape and implement the strategy for the area while leading and supporting a dedicated team. You will work closely with various parts of the organization to ensure the delivery of technically smart and cost-effective solutions on time. Your responsibilities will include driving and developing methods and processes within soft goods, with a particular focus on the sewing area and related investments to keep the business at the forefront. You will also play an active role in recruitment, ensuring we have the right competencies to meet both current and future needs. A key part of your work will be to lead and delegate tasks within the team while providing your technical expertise during design reviews and project deliveries. You will act as a key player and technical advisor for managers, Chief Engineers (CE), and the project organization – always with a focus on finding innovative and sustainable solutions. We are looking for someone with solid experience in soft goods development and a deep understanding of the entire development process – from concept to finished product. You take a strategic approach, are solution-oriented, and have the ability to bring a fresh perspective to technical challenges. At Thule, we believe in strong teamwork both within your own team but also cross functional between teams. We strive to be an open and curious organization, sharing our knowledge and inspiring one another. Within Thule Group you will find people who have a passion for the products we make and the outdoor company we are. We share the same values, and we like to have fun. All of our employees have a joint responsibility to maintain that spirit and contribute to it. About Thule Group Thule Group is a global sports and outdoor company. We offer high-quality products with smart features and a sustainable design that make it easy for people across the globe to live an active life. Under the motto Active Life, Simplified — and with a focus on consumer-driven innovation and long-term sustainability — we develop, manufacture and market products within the product categories Sport&Cargo Carriers (roof racks, roof boxes and carriers for transporting cycling, water and winter sports equipment, and rooftop tents mounted on a car), Juvenile & Pet Products (car seats, strollers, bike trailers,child bike seats and dog transport), RV Products (awnings, bike carriers and tents for RVs and caravans) and Packs, Bags & Luggage (hiking backpacks, luggage, laptop- and camera bags). Thule Group has about 2,600 employees at nine production facilities and 35 sales offices worldwide. The Group’s products are sold in 138 markets and in 2023, sales amounted to SEK 9.1 billion.

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Publicerad 2025-03-18
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