Looking for Early Childhood Educators
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Early Childhood Educators Wanted – Join HEI Schools Ulaanbaatar River Garden!

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Start Date: September 2025 (Fall 25/26 Academic Year)

HEI Schools Ulaanbaatar River Garden is an international preschool that brings the renowned Finnish early education model to Mongolia. We are committed to fostering a nurturing, play-based learning environment that supports the holistic development of young children.

We are seeking experienced Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers as well as aspiring ECE students to join our team for the upcoming academic year. If you are passionate about early childhood education and eager to contribute to a globally recognized learning approach, we’d love to hear from you!

Who We Are Looking For:

✅ Experienced ECE teachers with a strong background in early childhood education
ECE students looking to gain hands-on experience in an international preschool setting
✅ Passionate educators who embrace child-centered learning, play-based methods, and creativity
✅ Strong communication skills and ability to work in a multicultural environment

What We Offer:

✨ An opportunity to work in a Finnish-inspired early education setting
✨ A supportive and collaborative team environment
✨ Professional development and training opportunities
✨ Competitive salary and benefits package

How to Apply:

If you’re excited about shaping young minds through a high-quality early education program, we’d love to hear from you!

📩 Send your resume and a cover letter to [email protected]
📅 Application Deadline: 11 April 2025

Join us in bringing the best of Finnish early education to Ulaanbaatar! 🌿📚🎨

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Anställningsform Vanlig anställning, Ideellt arbete
Publicerad 2025-03-18
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Antal platser 3
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