Manager Design Engineering
Skicka ansökan 27 dagar kvar
Chef Designer
27 dagar kvar


Position Overview:

We are looking for a Manager Design Engineering to lead a team of 7-10 people in a company specializing in heat production, including turbogenerators, steam, and gas turbines.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Oversee design and reverse engineering for sales and delivery processes.
  • Ensure resources and expertise support engineering needs in workshops and field operations.
  • Lead process development for sales and delivery in construction.
  • Manage engineering technology for generators, gas, and steam turbines.
  • Develop team competencies and your own skills.
  • Occasional travel within the Nordic region (few days per month) for customer and supplier meetings.
  • University degree (at least M.Sc.) in a relevant technical field (generators, steam, or gas turbines).
  • 5-10 years of managerial or senior technical experience in relevant areas or energy companies.
  • Strong analytical skills, construction knowledge, and interest in technology and leadership.
  • Proficiency in Swedish and English; Finnish is a plus.
Additional Info:
  • Start Date: As agreed
  • Location: Västmanland, Sweden
  • Salary: Negotiable
  • Contact: Elin Lidman, [email protected], 076-632 76 20
  • Deadline: April 14, 2024

Mer info

Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2025-03-14
Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Antal platser 1
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