Technical Operations Engineer
Skicka ansökan 10 dagar kvar
Ingenjör Driftingenjör Linux-specialist
10 dagar kvar


Technical Operation Engineer - Python & Linux specialist for our office in Gothenburg, Sweden

The team you will be working with consists of Technical Operations engineers (internally referred to as Service Managers), Systems Experts and Service Delivery Managers handling multiple customers globally.

Position Responsibilities:

• Become an authority on several production system installations in terms of managing the technical aspects of the applications.

• Participate in ongoing implementation projects

• Provide advanced technical support, in relation to the Service Level Agreement(s), for the Crew and Network Ops portfolio focusing mainly on the day of operation products.

• Assist the client with knowledge injections, proactive problem solving and daily management of the production installation

• Maintain Linux installations on company servers and make recommendations to clients on patches/upgrades

• Work with System requirements with internal and external stakeholders

• To be on roster (24x7 standby) every fourth to fifth week

This position is hybrid. This means that the selected candidate will be required to perform some work onsite 2 days a week. This is at the hiring team’s discretion and could potentially change in the future.

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Basic Qualifications (Required Skills/Experience):

• 4 or more years in software development or advanced technical support role

• Good knowledge in Python language

• Good knowledge of Unix and/or Linux

• Good knowledge with shell scripting

• Familiar with AWS concepts

• Good knowledge in version control systems such as Git and Mercurial

• Fluency in English language

Preferred Qualifications (Desired Skills/Experience):

• 6 or more years in software development or advanced technical support role

• Particular interest in technical problem solving

• Experience with AWS

• 24X7 work environment on call

• Strong programming skills (Java an advantage)

• Databases (Oracle or Postgresql)

• Knowledge of Kubernetes is beneficial

• Messaging systems such as Activemq

• Customer relationship experience is advantageous

• Highly responsible, able to take ownership of issues

• Strong technical & analytical aptitude

• Able to work independently and within a team

Typical Education/Experience:

Education/experience typically acquired through advanced technical education (e.g. Bachelor/Masters) and typically 4 or more years' related work experience.


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Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2025-03-13
Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Antal platser 1
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