R&D Team Manager HVDC Control & Protection System Solutions
Skicka ansökan 178 dagar kvar
Chef Team Manager
178 dagar kvar


The opportunity

At HVDC R&D Control and Protection System Solutions, part of the Technology & Solutions Development (Business R&D) organization, we specialize in Real-Time Hardware-In-Loop innovation and development. Our cutting-edge solutions are the foundation for commercial HVDC projects, enhancing Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Control and Protection System offerings.

HVDC technology has been a market leader for 60 years, enabling renewable energy integration and supporting the transition to a sustainable future. Learn more about our world-leading technology at Hitachi Energy HVDC.

Come and join us as an R&D Team Manager in our global and dynamic team of 50+ colleagues, based in Sweden and India. This position will be based in Ludvika, Sweden and, you shall have the opportunity to be a servant-leader to a team of about 15 talented colleagues.

How you will make an impact

  • Lead an R&D team, managing planning, execution activities, and resources
  • Ensure the quality, cost, and timeliness of deliverables, and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Foster cross-functional and cross-technology collaboration (e.g., product management, portfolio management)
  • Promote sustainable competence and talent development
  • Create an inspiring team vision aligned with the organization’s strategy, encouraging innovation and operational excellence
  • Uphold Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, taking responsibility for your actions and caring for colleagues and the business

Your Background

  • Master’s degree with a strong technical background in power systems or software development, preferably in HVDC, FACTS, etc
  • Passion for people and technology, with strong collaboration and decision-making skills, and the drive to succeed in a dynamic environment
  • Prior experience in R&D and people management is preferred
  • Proficiency in English is required, as you will be part of a global company

What we offer

  • Collective agreement
  • Flexible working time
  • Health care and wellness allowance
  • Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally
  • Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase
  • Various trainings and education supporting employee development​
  • Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden
  • Supplementary compensation for parental leave
  • Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks

More about us

Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Welcome to apply for this position!

Recruiting Manager, Aditya Deb, [email protected] will answer your questions about the position. Union representatives – Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Hjort, +46 107-38 29 86; Unionen: Fredrik Holmgren, +46 107-38 21 85; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43.  All other questions can be directed to Talent Acquisition Partner Ingrid Schjelderup, [email protected].

Mer info

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Publicerad 2025-03-13
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Antal platser 1
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