CI Engineer - Tools & CI
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158 dagar kvar


As a CI Engineer at Embark you will be an enabler and force multiplier, focusing on enabling both the games themselves as well as our technical platforms.

You’ll be an integral part of a highly creative continuous integration team and together we’ll help our developers make awesome games with minimal hassle. To do that we need lots of machines and fast game builds. You’ll need to apply some hardcore systems programming since it’s a high-I/O, high-CPU (well, high-everything) kind of problem - building a photorealistic AAA Unreal game requires a lot from the CI platform.

A plus is if you also have good Windows/Linux skills and experience with machine provisioning (if not, no problem, we’ll teach you). Working on Tools and CI means new challenges every day, so be prepared to learn on your feet. Our tools are generally written in Rust, and since the game is built in Unreal we also work with Unreal C++.

Example of responsibilities

  • Build CI pipelines for the game building tasks we need (auto placing loot, compute shader PSOs, build&stage game, …)
  • Provision and configure machines so we have enough for the build farm, update e.g. console SDKs on the farm with
  • Collaborate and work closely with multiple teams to deliver products for a smooth developer experience.
  • Collaborate with other game makers in the company to understand where there’s friction, both for our software engineers as well as external users, and to address it.

We would love if you have

  • A creative and curious mind
  • Systems programming skills (like Go/C++/Java/…), OS knowledge, I/O
  • All around solid programming skills
  • Professional English communication skills.

Additionally would this be a great bonus

  • Provisioning machines in for instance VMWare vSphere, Ansible skills etc

At Embark we offer competitive salaries, passionate colleagues to share knowledge with and much more, but most of all we invite you to take part of a journey into the unknown, to build creative, surprising and beautiful experiences together. We welcome game makers of all sex, class, colour, age, gender identity, education, religion, opinion, culture, nation of origin, language, sexual orientation, shape, size, and ability. Did we leave anyone out? Well, we welcome you, too! We think that the gaming industry is made better when everyone has a seat at the table. Be yourself at Embark and make games while doing so. Please apply with confidence. We can’t wait to hear from you (in English)! If this role doesn't quite match what you're looking for, feel free to apply to us via our "Open Application."

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Publicerad 2025-03-11
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Antal platser 1
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