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4G5G IODT Verification Engineer
Ingenjör Testingenjör Verifieringsingenjör


Ericsson AB Join our Team About this opportunity: We are now looking for an experienced IODT (Interoperability Development Test) Verification Engineer with passion for trouble shooting in an end-to-end environment! The main purpose of IODT is to verify the interpretation and implementation of 3GPP standards in real environment between different parties/UE and chipset vendors.  This will be done during the development phase to identify and solve issues as early as possible. IODT plans, executes and documents IODT test with all agreed chipset vendors. What you will do: * Run end-to-end verification in real environment in collaboration with external vendors * Work closely with vendors to verify the interpretation and implementation of a feature in the real environment * Have close collaboration with Multi-functional Teams when integrating new features * Collaborate with vital groups within the IODT program * Prepare and verify demo scopes together with the vendor before customer demos The skills you bring: * BSc or MSc in Computer Science, Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering, Engineering Physics or equivalent * Experienced in sophisticated troubleshooting, test tools and simulators * The ability to move from detailed technical issues up to end-to-end level * A solid system view of the 4G/5G RAN Mobile Broadband product * Since, we believe you have a couple years of experience, you know how to work in teams, collaborate and share knowledge with others to find solutions * Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English * Experience of IODT is preferred

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Publicerad 2025-03-11
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