Senior Test Lead – 11859
Skicka ansökan 19 dagar kvar
Testledare Projektledare
19 dagar kvar


Veritaz is a leading IT staffing solutions provider in Sweden, committed to advancing individual careers and aiding employers in securing the perfect talent fit. With a proven track record of successful partnerships with top companies, we have rapidly grown our presence in the USA, Europe, and Sweden as a dependable and trusted resource within the IT industry.

Assignment Description:

We are looking for a Senior Test Lead to join our dynamic team.

What you will work on:

  • Plan, implement, and follow up on test activities
  • Ensure that test strategies and test plans are followed
  • Coordinate and lead the test team
  • Perform both manual and automated tests
  • Document test results and report deviations
  • Participate in project meetings and sprint planning
  • Contribute to the improvement of test processes and tools

What you bring:

  • At least five years of experience in test management
  • At least five years of experience working on integration solutions
  • At least two years of experience in automated/scripted performance tests
  • At least five years of experience working with the test parts within Team Foundation Server/MTM
  • Certification in ISTQB – Certified Performance Testing (CT-PT) or equivalent
  • Certification as a project manager, Prince 2 Foundation, or equivalent
  • Experience in agile methods with a communicative and collaborative approach
  • Good knowledge of Swedish

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Publicerad 2025-03-05
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