Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Skicka ansökan 77 dagar kvar
Ingenjör Infrastructure Engineer
77 dagar kvar


We are setting up a dream team of developers to build the next-generation server framework for Flutter. Take this unique opportunity to get in on the ground level, get equity in the company, and create the server technology of the future. Serverpod is a scalable app server for the rapidly growing Flutter community. It was founded by a former Google engineer with previous startup experience who worked at the Flutter team in Silicon Valley.

This position is primarily on site in our Stockholm office, but we can make exceptions for extraordinary candidates.

You will:

  • Work with other rockstar developers with experience from Google, Spotify, Minecraft, and other large companies.
  • Build the infrastructure thousands of apps rely on.
  • Get involved in all levels of the product—everything from code generation and analysis, database layers, and developer tooling to Flutter demos and website frameworks.

We think that you:

  • Have a degree in computer science or similar.
  • Have worked on large infrastructure projects.
  • Know your way around GCP, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Postgres, and Redis.
  • Are comfortable working remotely or in person.
  • Want to build something big.

Bonus if you also:

  • Know Dart or are a quick learner.
  • Have given tech talks, or it is a skill you want to master.
  • Got some skills in data security.

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Publicerad 2024-12-17
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