Senior Lecturer in Physiology with a focus on Renal physiology
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Senior Lecturer in Physiology with a focus on Renal physiology

Reference number PAR 2024/1108

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The Department of Physiology within the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology conducts research and teaching in physiology, the science of bodily functions. The department now seeks a senior lecturer in physiology focused on renal physiology.

Subject area

Physiology with a focus on Renal physiology

Subject area description

Physiological research is the research on the co-operation of different parts of our body and the way the organs control various processes, and aims to clarify the way in which different mechanisms, from molecule to whole organs and the entire living system, act together to maintain life.

The kidney is a central organ in the body’s homeostasis. Its function as regards water and salt balance regulates the internal environment of the body, and simultaneously its hormones modulate cardiovascular function, hematopoiesis, gastrointestinal function and central nervous system function. Renal diseases are major health problems.

Modern physiological research is increasingly directed towards subcellular mechanisms in organ function. Successful research in this area requires the combination of cell physiology techniques and techniques of molecular biology with functional studies to bridge the gap between molecular mechanisms and organ function.


The duties comprise mainly research and teaching. Research tasks are focused on kidney research on a high international level, as well as supervision of PhD students and application for external funding. Teaching tasks are mainly in renal physiology and acid-base physiology on an undergraduate level, but also include teaching on an advanced level and in research education, as well as examination within the entire physiology curriculum. Additionally, supervision and examination of master students, and course administration and departmental administration are included.


The eligibility criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.

To be eligible for appointment as a Senior Lecturer the applicant is required to have a doctoral degree in medical sciences or similar and have demonstrated teaching expertise. Ability to teach in both Swedish and English is also a requirement.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.

Primary criteria are scientific skill and pedagogical skill. Secondly are administrative skills in both research and teaching and the ability for cooperation and collaboration as well as trust and management assignments.

Scientific skills are rated primarily from scope and quality of scientific publications in well-reputed journals with peer-review systems, but also doctoral supervision and the ability to attract external funding.

Pedagogical skills are rated from successful teaching and supervision, the ability to convey knowledge as well as enthusiasm and interest in the subject area. The skills should be well documented to enable judgement of the quality of the pedagogical activities. Teaching activities within the subject area in different student groups is meritorious.

Administrative skills are rated based on documented experience of teaching administration (such as course leadership) and leadership roles within university administration or equivalent.


Permanent employment, full time 100 %. The position and is located at the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology. First day of employment as agreed.

Contact information

Head of Department and Senior Lecturer, Lars-Gunnar Pettersson, [email protected]

Other information

If the applicant lacks formal higher education pedagogic training at the University of Gothenburg, the applicant is expected to have completed higher education pedagogic training or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge within one year from the time of employment at the latest. The examination of such university teaching qualifications must take place in a special order in agreement with the decision of the Vice-Chancellor.

See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities.

Göteborgs universitet | Senior Lecturer in Physiology with a focus on Renal physiology

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Publicerad 2024-12-16
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