R&D Senior Software engineer
Skicka ansökan 52 dagar kvar
Ingenjör Software Engineer Frontend-utvecklare
52 dagar kvar


Senior Software engineer forMicroSCADA X Substation HMI for Power Quality Applications

Your responsibilities:

- Create the next generation HMI solution for PQ Control and Protection System on Substation level.

- Collaborate with the UX/UI conceptual design team to develop the Substation HMI solution in MicroSCADA X.

- Test and debug the Substation HMI solution.

- Train and support the organization in applying the HMI solution in our delivery projects.

- Work in our agile teams to provide our delivery organization with new feature and application.

- You will become part of a dedicated team, in which we work together to handle all requirements from different stakeholders, collaboration is, in other words, a central part of your new position and is a key competence which will enable your possibilities of further career opportunities and personal growth.

- Living our client's core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business

Your background and competences:

- A University degree within a relevant technical area along with competence and experience within UX and HMI development.

- Experience in conceptual UX design preferably related to Substation and/or Power Systems.

- Proven work experience as a Web/HMI Front-end developer

- Hands on experience with HTML/XML markup languages

- Experience with JavaScript and HTML5.

- Familiarity with HMI testing and debugging.

- In-depth understanding of the entire web development process (design, development and deployment)

- Preferably experience in develop MicroSCADA X HMI and SCIL programming.

- You will work together with experts in the field. It is an advantage if you have worked within a scrum, agile or lean setup previously and if you like to troubleshoot and test your own solutions.

- Driven problem solver who eagerly takes initiatives and always delivers on time and according to expectations.

- Proficient in English

Duration: 6 months

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Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2024-11-24
Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Antal platser 1
Varaktighet 6 Månader eller längre
Hemsida Länk

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