Optical Engineer
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Ingenjör Optical Engineer
45 dagar kvar


Aimpoint AB is the company that created and developed the red dot sight, which we are today the world-leading supplier of. Aimpoint sights are used in the civilian hunting and shooting market, as well as by police and military forces. The company employs 415 people and has an annual turnover of approximately 1.6 billion SEK. Sales in the USA are conducted through our American subsidiary, Aimpoint Inc.

Our headquarters are located in Malmö, and all our products are made in Sweden. Our production units are situated in Malmö and Gällivare.

Aimpoint is a company within the Sandberg Development Group. For more information about the company, please visit www.aimpoint.se

Optical Engineer

As an Optical Engineer within our dynamic team, you will be at the forefront of designing sophisticated lenses and optical systems.

About Your Role:

You will leverage your expertise in applied physics or optical engineering to design bespoke optical components and sights using advanced ray tracing software. Your comprehensive understanding of optical principles will drive the development of specifications and testing methods for cutting-edge optical subsystems. Collaboration with our development team will be crucial to translate technical concepts into tangible outcomes that align with our vision for innovation in sight development.

What We Expect:

Educational and Professional Credentials: With a degree in applied physics, optical engineering, or a related field, you bring 4 to 8 years of hands-on experience in the design and serial development of optical systems.

Deep Optical Knowledge:

Your in-depth understanding of lens design, including aberration theory, MTF/PSF, and image quality assessment, is matched with a proven ability to conduct thorough tolerance analyses.

Advanced Software Skills:

Proficiency in optical modeling software like Zemax or CODE V is essential, as these tools are integral to our design process.

Design and Testing Expertise:

You are adept at designing testing methodologies and prototypes, ensuring the excellence and integrity of our optical components.

Global Perspective:

Willingness to travel and engage with suppliers and customers worldwide is key, as your insights will influence both demonstrations and technical discussions.

Preferred Expertise:

Your background may also include areas of experience in designing lenses for diamond turning, molding of lenses, or the design of freeform optical surfaces. Experience with diffractive optics, optical coatings and familiarity with non-visible light sensing/technologiesrelevant and relevant ISO standards will be highly regarded. We value hands-on laboratory experience, with lasers and assembly of optical systems. Experience in optical tolerance analysis, including mechanical positional tolerances and defining lens manufacturing tolerances.

If you are driven by innovation and eager to contribute to a team that's making significant strides in optical engineering, we would love to hear from you.

We value, the ability to work independently and in a team, initiative and engagement. Having the ability to work creatively, analytically and structured in a problem-solving environment is seen as a given for the role.

At Aimpoint, we believe that the development of our employees is as important as the company's. We value commitment and the desire to continuously learn and improve, which creates a dynamic and innovative work environment where everyone strives to reach new heights. By investing in our employees' growth, we ensure that we can continue to deliver products and solutions of the highest quality to our customers.

We are driven by our values of Performance, Innovation, and Commitment! – We believe you are too! Just like us, you enjoy having fun at work and see meeting people as both challenging and stimulating, where collaboration with colleagues and customers is a natural part of the job.

Want to know how we handle your personal information? Read more on our website.

You apply for the position through our career website.

Join our journey - Aimpoint AB

Since we work with ongoing selection, we wish to receive your application as soon as possible.

If you have questions or are interested in knowing more, you are welcome to contact: HR Senior Recruiting Specialist - Joacim Larsson [email protected]

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Publicerad 2024-11-22
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