Responsible Cleaning Validation
Skicka ansökan 27 dagar kvar
27 dagar kvar


Technogarden is working in the midst of one of the most vibrant areas within Life Science - even during an ongoing recession. We help both thriving companies on the Swedish side of the Greater Copenhagen Area but are also happy to assist companies on the Danish side of Öresund....

If you are a skilled Engineer with extensive experience from the Pharmaceutical industry and are keen on working in Denmark you might consider this assignment:

Your responsibility

  • Give cleaning inputs to the design phase in a project in Utility and Solvents department
  • Be responsible for cleaning OV and Cleaning Validation during the verification and implementation phase
  • Take part in validation planning
  • Drive the Cleaning strategy, in close collaboration with Cleaning Operation Responsible, Mechanical and Automation engineers

Our expectations of for you

  • Open-minded and a good communicator.
  • Excellent to take full responsibility on tasks.
  • Like to work in a dynamic organization, team-player.

The assignment is full-time.

Take a brief chat with us regarding this opportunity! During your assignment you will either be employed by us here in Swedenor act as a sub-contractor - of course on attractive conditions. You should also be prepared to commute on a weekly basis since the assignment is on-site - we will of course arrange all such practicalities as living, travels e t c. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Mer info

Anställningsform Vanlig anställning
Publicerad 2024-11-05
Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Antal platser 1
Varaktighet 6 Månader eller längre

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