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Chef At A Tapas Restaurant
Chef Souschef Köksmästare


About the job: Chef at a brand new concept. Requirements: · Planning and organization of purchasing and daily operations. · Quality assurance and responsibility for follow-up according to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority's requirements. · Follow up IK-mat routines, order goods and stock count. · Quality assured food. · Work to achieve the company's objectives. Qualifications and characteristics: - Vocational certificate as a chef. - Experience as a cook or Sous Chef. - Managerial experience and/or experience from abroad is desirable. - Takes initiative, is creative and engaged. - Independent and with the ability to work in a team. - Can speak Norwegian or English. - Yes I can! attitude and a flexible attitude. Tasks: We are looking for a talented head chef with experience and a passion for tapas. Flexibility, a strong work ethic, and prior kitchen team management experience are required for employment with us. We provide a small but close-knit culinary crew with a pleasant working atmosphere. You are free to express your creativity. Candidates must speak English, possess a culinary certificate, be self-sufficient and productive, and be able to take charge when working in a group. What we offer: - A good working environment. - Lots of fun challenges. - Good pay and working conditions. - Temporary accommodation if desired, longer agreement. Send your application and CV as soon as possible. Please write briefly about relevant experience, your motivation for working with us and why you think you are the right person for the position. We would encourage you to provide 2 relevant references on your CV. You will not be prioritized if you do not have a work permit / residence permit! About the employer: After 10 years of operation as a northern Norwegian charcoal grill kitchen, we are now closing the restaurant to change the concept and layout. We are looking for a completely new kitchen team. With experience from Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine.

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Anställningsform Arbete utomlands
Publicerad 2025-01-07
Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Antal platser 2
Varaktighet Tillsvidare

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